Bachelor of Commerce at The University of Western Australia (UWA)
Dr. Helen Cripps completed Bachelor of Commerce, Graduate Diploma in Recreation, Master of Marketing and PhD in Information Systems. She was born and raised in Perth but until recently travel a lot around the world.
She attend MLC but showed no academic potential due to undiagnosed Dyslexia, had to go to TAFE to get into UWA to complete her Bachelor of Commerce.
She conducts industry-based research across multiple sectors including maritime, retail, electronic health, tourism and gig economy. Helen’s research sits at the nexus of online media, technology adoption and innovation as it draws on her large network of government, Industry and academic contacts nationally and internationally. She has undertaken research in Australia Croatia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA, completing a number of research projects for government and industry clients.
Dr. Helen's journey since UWA.
I loved being at UWA it was the first time I felt that I fitted in. UWA gave me lots of support with my dyslexia even back then. I loved studying things I was interested in and meeting lots of new people who had different backgrounds to me.
I was a member of Christian Union club and through that I made lifelong friends. I also joined the basketball club and then went on to coach for 30 years and also stay in contact with the professional network I gained through that club.
I have had 4 distinct careers; economic policy in the state government, community development in local government, business relationship management in education and now an academic.
What’s your passion and how do you want to make a difference in the world?
I am passionate about seeing others succeed. I am an 'overcomer' and if I can help others overcome obstacles then the world is a richer place. I work hard to help me students and friends to be successful as I feel a small sense of victory when others succeed.
What is the most interesting aspect of your career?
I am fascinated by digital marketing, data analytics, artificial intelligence and big data. I research in online conversations and text mining so I could see moving more in the data analytics area in the future. I am currently learning to code.
If you could share one piece of advice with a first year student, on their first day at UWA, what would it be?
Make friends, talk to people ask them questions about themselves and learn their names. Everyone is as scared and overwhelmed as you but there is great opportunity to meet and get to know so many fabulous people who can become your study mates, friends and professional network.
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