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Micro-credentials: bite-sized learning with macro impact by SAS


Once upon a time, if you wanted a qualification, your choices were simple

A changing world

This problem is getting bigger. A number of issues have combined to create a ‘perfect storm’ in learning. First, the speed of change in technology has meant that it is challenging for formal education providers to keep up. Curricula simply can’t adapt fast enough when there is a formal approval process. Second, how we think about education has changed. People don’t necessarily want—and can’t afford—to take two or three years out of work to go and study for a degree. Instead, they want focused training on a particular issue or area. Alternatively, they want bite-sized training that they can go away and apply before coming back for more. Even at ‘university age’, people want their learning to be useful to them in the jobs market. They want applied skills, not theory alone.

Employer sponsorship of training and education has also changed. The move away from ‘jobs for life’, has accelerated enormously. Organisations are reluctant to commit large amounts of money for individual development, because they expect people to move on within a few years. Instead, it is up to individuals to take responsibility for their own development and learning.

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