The People and Place Podcast by WSP Australia, talks to WSP experts, clients and leading industry figures to dive into People and Place.
What does place and placemaking mean?
What are some of the challenges and opportunities we face in creating places for people to live, work, learn, play and thrive in?
Global Ideas Tour: Cities – Tree change and street change
Join the discussion on a Global Ideas Tour mini-series where they take a deep dive on key elements of cities, places and spaces with global WSP colleagues as they share learnings, experiences and thoughts on the future as they start to look past the COVID 19 pandemic.
People are all social creatures, but how can WSP support a stronger focus on social outcomes?
Join Deepa Nair, Jim Coleman and Lucy Greig, dialling in from the UK and Sydney, as they discuss the importance of our changing cities and communities, with host, Sara Stace.
They will be discussing what they have learnt about our global cities over the last two years, including a growing trend of movement to regional areas, how this affects affordability and access to housing, the opportunities Net Zero provides for a fair transition of jobs and skills and how we can reshape the use and thinking of city and regional centres.