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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Laura Boyd

Sales Graduate at Dyson

Master of Professional Accounting at University of Sydney (USYD)

I am heading out of the office with the National Business Manager to meet with one of our retailers. The discussion was surrounding continued business alignment for the upcoming quarter. It was really insightful meeting and nice change to work outside of the office!

7.00 AM

Wake up and I will probably hit snooze a few times as I am certainly not a morning person, trying to work on that!

8.00 AM

I walk to work most days as luckily I live near to the office. It takes roughly 20-25 minutes and I always grab my much needed coffee along the way!

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8.30 AM

Get to the office. Drop my lunch of in the kitchen and say hi to some colleagues.

8.45 AM

Begin the day by checking my emails. It is a Monday, and that means data has dropped in from the previous week. I am working on four accounts as my manager is the National Account Manager. I go through the numbers and create a summary before the sales meeting.

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10.00 AM

The sales meeting is weekly and includes the whole team: National Business Managers, National Account Managers and the Sales Director. It’s a time where we share the highlights from previous work week, and what the goals are for the coming week. Other departments such as finance and marketing normally join halfway through to share important information that concerns the sales team. I always find it interesting to hear what is going on in different areas of the business.

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11.00 AM

Time for a coffee break with work friends.

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11.30 AM

I am heading out of the office with the National Business Manager to meet with one of our retailers. The discussion was surrounding continued business alignment for the upcoming quarter. It was really insightful meeting and nice change to work outside of the office!

3.00 PM

Late lunch at the office, a day working in sales is never the same. That is what I enjoy the most.

4.00 PM

I have a meeting with my manager to discuss the client meeting and to follow up with the event I am working on for another account. We are both flying to Melbourne later this week for a meeting relating to a conference that one of retailers is hosting. I am leading this meeting, and will discuss what Dyson will bring to the event and how we will engage their store staff. My manager assists me with my last edits of the presentation.

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4.30 PM

I complete some emails that are pressing. These can include sending through artwork for retail catalogues or asking our marketing team for materials.

6.00 PM

Home time!! I normally try and fit in the gym if I am not too tired.

8.00 PM

Dinner and Netflix with my housemates, the perfect end to a busy day!

10.30 PM

Bed time.

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