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  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity at Halter

6.9 rating for Diversity, based on 8 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
Although overall may be somewhat diverse, department wise is lacking in gender but is subject to gender dominated industry
Intern, Auckland - 02 May 2022
Within my team, there was one female and 5 males. This differs throughout the company's teams. There is a lack of ethnic diversity within the company.
Graduate, Waikato - 29 Apr 2022
Zero focus on LGBTQ+ diversity aside from a sentence or two on the website. Some focus on gender diversity, such as a female-only bathroom and a female slack channel. Despite this, the engineering team severely lacked women. During interviews, diversity was not mentioned at all.
Intern, Auckland - 28 Apr 2022
As a woman in engineering, I broached the topic of Halter getting involved with and supporting the Women in Engineering Network (WEN) at the University of Auckland, and they were immediately keen and organised a meeting with me to go over the details of sponsorship. Within 2 days, the sponsorship was confirmed, and since then people from different roles within the company have been attending WEN events and interacting with students. They are very committed to improving inclusivity and diversity within the company, and are constantly on the lookout for all avenues of doing so.
Intern, Auckland - 22 Apr 2022
The company searches far and wide to hire people from so many different backgrounds and will accommodate for the needs of the employee.
Graduate, Auckland - 21 Apr 2022
I have seen a push for promoting more female candidates to apply. Everyone regardless of their race or gender is given equal opportunity to work here.
Intern, Auckland - 21 Apr 2022
Company is still largely male-dominated but is getting better, female recruitments have seemingly increased in the last few months. Doesn't seem to be any policies towards ethnic minorities or LGBT
Intern, Auckland - 20 Apr 2022
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
Unsure. A university degree is prefered but not compulsory from what I understand and from here everyone is judged evenly.
Graduate, Waikato - 29 Apr 2022