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Zach Duncan

Intern at RCP

Civil Engineering at University of Canterbury

Hi, I’m Zach and I am interning at RCP. I am currently starting my third year of Civil Engineering at the University of Canterbury to graduate with a Bachelor with Honours in November 2026. I am an outdoors driven person often spending my spare time climbing, surfing, playing golf, mountain biking or skiing in the winter.

7.00 AM

I like to start my day with a simple breakfast and checking the weather for the day before making some lunch to take with me. I commute to work on a bike which provides some time to exercise and get some fresh air before starting work.

8.00 AM

I usually ease into the workday with a tea and checking in on some of the colleagues around me. I like to make myself a coffee on the machine in the office before checking my emails and calendar for any meetings, site visits and tasks for the day. I often will check online for any new Consultant Advice Notices (CAN) that require me to draft and issue a contract instruction. I often chat with the colleagues around me about sports or any news or events occurring which often helps break up the day and refresh my mind.

10:30 AM

I’m heading out to site with the project manager to check on the progress of the fit-out stage. This involves dressing in PPE before walking to the site. I usually shadow a project manager for this process taking photos of some of the areas and asking questions. I enjoy these site visits as it helps me understand how the drawings are put into construction and the importance of the communications and logistics required for a successful project. It’s amazing to be able to walk through these projects seeing the infrastructure and services before they are covered up.

site visit

12.30 PM

After returning from site, it is time for lunch with the colleagues. We often will put a game show on the TV or have a competition on the darts board. This is a nice time to unwind as the lunchroom often has sunlight pouring in through the big windows.


1:00 PM

Following lunch, I have a site meeting where I take notes for the meeting minutes. I then draft up the meeting minutes to be sent away to the project manager to review and proofread before being issued. I often receive small formatting or document administration tasks which I work through I the afternoon.

2.30 PM

Time to grab a soft drink from the fridge to help me tackle some emails to the client and contractor. I have arranged to meet with the landscape contractor to show them the rooftop garden project that they are required on. I enjoy interactions with the contractor as it reminds me that I am part of the team delivering a project for the client.

site visit!

4:30 PM

I finish off the day tidying up the last of the tasks that I have been assigned and will often take a note of tasks that still require some attention that I can get into the following day.

5:00 PM

Time to finish work and begin the commute back home again. Like the morning commute biking home is a great chance to get exercise, I’m not sure my lungs and legs agree, especially when the ride finishes up my hill.

5:30 PM

I get changed and relax in the evening with some time on YouTube or my Xbox. I have some dinner before heading preparing to head out for a climbing session at Uprising or a round of golf at the local golf course.

7:00 PM

Tonight, I am meeting with some of my friends to play 9 holes. It’s a great way for me to catch up with my mates and have fun at the same time especially when the weather is great like it is this evening. I will come home following this and get prepared for the next day to do it all over again.

evening golf

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