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  • 100 - 500 employees

Working Hours at Zenius

8.1 rating for Working Hours, based on 11 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Very much flexible.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 25 Nov 2021
Flexible. Well, our company has official working our from 9:00 to 18:00 but since everything's cloud-based, it is 'very' possible to work at any time. But of course, meetings and communications tend to be done during the working hours.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 24 Nov 2021
Very flexible working hours. Work can be done anytime and anywhere as long as it meets the target.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 19 Nov 2021
My company is pretty flexible, but you have to commit and make sure all the works are done.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
Very flexible work hours. The assignments are given weekly. I get to choose my own work schedule.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
The company uses flexible working hour as long as our targets are achieved.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
I think it depends on the job title. For now because I'm 80% WFH so I have no issues about working hours. But I think the working hours have to change to 9-5 not 9-6. Because I red UU Ketenagakerjaan, it said the working hours are 7-8 hours per day
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
For my position, i guess it's really flexible. If i got an assignment, and the deadline is in 5 days, it's up to me when to start as long as it's done. I can finish it in the first day, or even start working in the 4th day, or work everyday evenly.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021