Very much flexible.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 25 Nov 2021
Flexible. Well, our company has official working our from 9:00 to 18:00 but since everything's cloud-based, it is 'very' possible to work at any time. But of course, meetings and communications tend to be done during the working hours.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 24 Nov 2021
Very flexible working hours. Work can be done anytime and anywhere as long as it meets the target.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 19 Nov 2021
My company is pretty flexible, but you have to commit and make sure all the works are done.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
Very flexible work hours. The assignments are given weekly. I get to choose my own work schedule.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
The company uses flexible working hour as long as our targets are achieved.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
I think it depends on the job title. For now because I'm 80% WFH so I have no issues about working hours. But I think the working hours have to change to 9-5 not 9-6. Because I red UU Ketenagakerjaan, it said the working hours are 7-8 hours per day
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021
For my position, i guess it's really flexible. If i got an assignment, and the deadline is in 5 days, it's up to me when to start as long as it's done. I can finish it in the first day, or even start working in the 4th day, or work everyday evenly.
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 18 Nov 2021