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UNSW Engineering Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The code that the storage engines team manages has cutting-edge algorithms. We have a few select people who read research papers to make sure that we are always the most efficient. I found that so cool!

Jie Chen

  • Graduate stories
Don’t be afraid to explore other options and interests for your career and not limit yourself to just what you had studied.

Jimmy Nguyen

  • Graduate stories
Never be afraid to ask for guidance, and often the secret is finding the right person to speak to.

Joshua Bloom

  • Graduate stories
It was really exciting to be involved in a project that was a pivotal moment for energy, and once operational, will result in an overall reduction of carbon dioxide emissions of more than 400,000 tonnes per year.

Jotham Young

  • Graduate stories
Within the program I was also able to work in many different levels of the organisation, with roles in client account teams, service delivery teams, as well as regional strategy and operations, and technology teams.

Kelly Chan

  • Graduate stories
There are many benefits to the program but my core takeaway would be the global network. Having recently graduate from my program, I travel abroad often, and there is rarely a city in the world that I do not have close friends that I met on the program.

Keppell Smith

  • Graduate stories
Help/fix/build something/someone, it’s a lot easier to share authentically about an experience where you’ve tried to “get your hands dirty”.

Kevin Nguyen

  • Graduate stories
Push yourself outside of your box whenever you can and you will always come out of the situation having grown as a person.

Liam Dobson