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UNSW Engineering Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
The coolest part of my job is being part of a company that helps our Navy defend, protect, and serve our country by making sure their ships and submarines are in their optimal state.

Bobby Punjabi

  • Graduate stories
The ability to communicate technical concepts and details with people who may not have the same background or knowledge of the things that I consider important is by far the most important skill I have in my current role.

Brad Boundy

  • Graduate stories
It feels even better when stakeholders recognise how clear my explanation is!


  • Graduate stories
Part of being on the team is having “crazy” ideas about how software could be applied to an area and being given the time to test it out.


  • Graduate stories
Being able to see the public catching the trains and trams that I’ve worked on brings a great sense of satisfaction and it feels that you are contributing to society.

Jeffrey Or

  • Graduate stories
I love how my work impacts wide-reaching issues that have tangible effects on everyday Australians, as well as impacts for Australia’s future environmental landscape.

Michelle Huang

  • Graduate stories
It was my ticket to learn, develop, connect and kick-start my career.

Mojdeh Salehi

  • Who’s Who
My career within Sydney Water has allowed me to work across multiple business groups including safety, operations, strategy and the graduate program.

Rebecca Yianakis