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UNSW Engineering Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I love the variety it’s the spice of life therefore I’m always more than happy to go to new locations and learn more interesting facts about that area.

Merryln Mpofu

  • Graduate stories
The most enjoyable thing about my job is solving a big question. Occasionally I will come across a customer who has a particularly tricky situation or who has not paid for a long time for some reason.

Mia Bathurst

  • Day in the life

Michael Appoloni

Towards, the end of the day I will be involved in a meeting with some colleagues and an external contractor to learn about different methods of transferring liquid hydrogen to and from shipping vessels either at a production facility near a port or at the destination of the final user.
  • Graduate stories
Sometimes I’ll fail, but by refining my work, I’m able to succeed in ideas that I thought were otherwise impossible. Better yet, after learning skills in the office, I’m able to apply them to my studies.

Mikhil Deoji

  • Graduate stories
Being a graduate, I have a lot of flexibility to move around and work in different departments, even for a short time just to get the exposure.

Mirabelle Molukun

  • Day in the life

Mirabelle Molukun

Mirabelle Molukun studied ​a Bachelor of Mining Engineering at the University of Western Australia in 2015 and is now a Graduate Mining Engineer at South32.
  • Graduate stories
I’m the kind of person who doesn’t know if I want to work in an office or out in the field, therefore, surveying was perfect for me as I spend time in both which really appeals to me.

Mitchell Clarke

  • Graduate stories
As a Mining Engineer, each day is different but typically begins with extensive reporting on the previous day’s shifts, planning and designing for the next phase of mining and preparing the weekly planning pack for the crews returning to work

Mitchell Dawson