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UNSW Engineering Careers Directory Profiles

Showing 234 items

  • Graduate stories
My role requires meeting tremendously tight deadlines, where I am pushed to the limits in order to deliver the results.

Richeek Mohan

  • Graduate stories
At the end of the day, we are dominantly communicating with business partners on site and aiming to increase the reserves and resources that will be able to sustain the life of the mine.

Ristch “Rusty” Camille

  • Graduate stories

Roanne Maxwell

  • Graduate stories
The best thing about being a Quality Engineer is the opportunity to learn different things and work with different departments to solve problems.

Robet Fransiska Muhammad Al Amin

  • Graduate stories

Rory Clifford

  • Career Mentors
The key soft skills I would stress are listening to understand and not to judge, working well with others and curiosity. It is always beneficial to have some work experience and as such internships are a valuable opportunity.

Rosalind Potts

  • Graduate stories
Accept new challenges every day, and by resolving all these issues, it helps me understand cross-functional areas and gain different knowledge.

Ruilong Lu

  • Day in the life

Sally Yang